Transport Manager registration service

We apply for a large number of Operator Licences through this website for new companies  / operators throughout the UK. Many of these are Restricted Licences but a good few of the applications are for Standard National or International licences and most of these do not have a provision for the required Transport Manager. Some of the Restricted Licences may also look for the service of a Responsible Person to ensure they comply with the Operator Licence Undertakings; these are the same rules for Standard and Restricted Licences but the onus for the latter falls on the Directors of the company. However, with standard licences, the appointed Transport Manager is expected to know what is required of them.

Therefore, as a service to seasoned or newly qualified Transport Managers, we are asking you to send us your details, with as much information as possible; including:

Your name;

Your location;

When qualified and if seasoned, date of your most recent refresher;

Bus (Coach) or Lorry (Truck);

Whether you have a driving licence for CPC certificate you hold:

Your knowledge with a preferably a CV; if you send this in word we will upload it as a PDF.

We will upload this information and store it on here and we will put you in touch with companies as and when they approach us.

Nothing is for nothing in this day and age but I think what we are asking is reasonable:

We will charge you 50% of your first invoice or you and the company agree to use our tachograph analysis service; for at least 12 months. This may also include, walk around check apps, on-line maintenance portals and transport stationery. We can also supply and fit either remote downloading (only) or downloading and tracking equipment. With either, we can also arrange for cameras and / or Transport for London required DVS kits to be fitted, but the latter device would offer greater flexibility.

Please, in the first instance, ring 01935 577007 and send your information to [email protected]. It will be our intention, once we have a few Transport Managers’ register, to create a map showing where everyone is, which CPC licence they hold etc.