Transolva – TransTrack digiCard card reader
The Transolva TransTrack digiCard was designed to combat support issues around Windows support for card readers.
It supplied with easy archiving solution, digiConnect® which is downloadable from the internet. The card reading is unhindered by Windows and does not interfere with remote desktop sessions. It supports special controls for multiple digiCard readers and transfers files directly to the TransTach server via digiConnect®.
The drivers digital card needs to be inserted with the chip downwards and towards the digiCard logo. When downloading a driver card, the LED light on the top of the machine flashes and become solid once completed.
The Digicard is also compatible with TransTach tachograph analysis and the data, once setup with the correct information, would auto upload the files created through digiConnect® to the TransTach server.
- Acts as a Human Interface Device
- Supplied with simple archiving solution (digiconnect)
- Card Reading unhindered by Windows
- Windows does not interfere with Remote Desktop sessions
- Support and special controls for multiple digiCard readers
- Digicard can transfer files directly to any digicentral server
- Complete integrationwith DigiDL remote download solution
- HID (Human Interface Device)
- Powered by USB 1.1/2.0/3.0
- Supports data transfer to nominated digicentral
- Approved by Tachosys for remote download use with DigiDL
- Removable heavy-duty base
- 1 metre cable
- LED indicators; Green: active, Red: Busy
Compatible with Apple Macs but only with additional specialised software.
*we will contact you to install the necessary software and can, if you so wish, assist you to carry-out the set it up for the digiCard card reader to use our software.